Can You Ride Dirt Bikes In The Snow(Winterize Dirt Bike)2023

Can You Ride Dirt Bikes In The Snow

Riding your dirt bike in the snow (while a dangerous task) is a possibility, but it requires a certain amount of modifications to be made on the dirt bike. The following modifications and precautions come in the jurisdiction of winterizing the bike and would help to protect your bike against harsh terrain and weather. Let’s take a deeper look at them.

  • Tires

While great for most terrain, dirt bike tires aren’t manufactured to perform well in the snow or frost. Specialized dirt bike tires offer more grip in frost or snow-covered tracks.

So consider investing in studded tires. Studded tires are special winter tires with studs (a piece of metal with a flat end and a sharp end, much like a nail). Every tire has numerous studs inside them which are protruding out.

When weight is applied to the tires, the studs are pushed out, allowing the vehicle to get a grip on the frost or snow-covered track. These tires are strongly recommended as they are beneficial and can be life-saving if the going gets rough.

Furthermore, check the tire pressure before each ride, as the pressure inside the tire can drop almost 2 psi for every ten-degree drop.

However, these same tires will, unfortunately, wear out quicker in the hotter months, so you should consider owning two sets of tires, one for the summers and the other for the winters.

  • Engine

The engine is considered the heart of any vehicle, and without adequately protecting it, the vehicle remains highly vulnerable. It can be significantly damaged, proving to be very costly to repair.

To take your dirt bike out in the winter, make sure to add extra pieces to the engine to protect it from the snow and wind.

  • Cooling System

Additionally, if your bike has regular cooling systems, then make sure to use winter-ready coolant or antifreeze. Using regular antifreeze or watcher carries the risk of freezing inside the engine, thus damaging it from the inside. Also, ensure the coolant tank is full before taking your dirt bike out.

  • Lubricant

Starting your vehicle on a cold morning, when the engine is also cold, puts tremendous strain on the engine. Such strain can reduce the lifespan of the engine. In order to avoid such an ordeal, make sure that proper oil and lubricants are used, especially before winter arrives.

  • Anti-Rust

Riding your dirt bike on frosty roads (particularly if it’s damp) exposes your engine, chain, and other parts, such as the brake discs, to salts, which can lead to corrosion. So before and after every ride, make sure that these elements are cleaned properly and that there is no salt or debris present on them.

What to wear when riding a dirt bike in snow?

Just making sure your bike is ready for the snow is only half the job. Protecting and covering yourself is the other half. The following suggestions can increase the fun you have while riding your dirt bike in the snow.

  • Clothing

Proper winter attire is the most crucial thing when it comes to protecting one’s self from the winter.

Make sure to buy proper winter jackets and pants, and it is strongly recommended to wear thermal underwear underneath them as well.

Gloves or hand guards (preferably both) prove very helpful in protecting your hands from the harsh winter winters and thus saving you from losing your grip strength or (in the worst case scenario) hypothermia.

If the jacket proves to be ineffective in keeping you warm, then you can spend a little extra money and buy yourself a heated jacket. These jackets are highly effective for longer rides. However, they are heavier than regular jackets and would require a 12V outlet to be installed on your bike (to power the jacket).

A similar thing can be bought for your hand as well. Heated grips help keep your hands warm and help you relax your grip (when your hands get cold, your grip starts to tighten) and increase your responsiveness. The grips would be powered via an outlet and consume less power than the jacket.

Some people can take things too far and put on extra layers of clothing. This is something that might not seem like a big deal, but it can become one.

Extra layers can lead to your body heating up and producing internal sweat or sweating under your clothes. This sweat causes your body to cool down, and you will start to lose heat. To avoid doing so, take off some layers if you start to get uncomfortable or too hot.

  • Shoes

Keeping your shoes dry while dirt biking can allow you to ride for longer on your bike, so you might want to rethink crossing creeks or rivers. Wet shoes lead to wet socks, which lead to wet toes, and that can lead to fever, frostbite, and a number of medical emergencies.

  • Helmet and Goggles

If you think that using the same helmet you use in the summer would be effective in the winter, then you are wrong. Riding your dirt bike in the snow results in experiencing more cold wind.

Summer helmets are made to increase airflow around the head. But in the winter, you need a helmet that blocks any air from entering and keeps your head warm. So buying a winter helmet would be more effective in the winter.

  • Communication and driving style

Riding your dirt bike in the snow can be thrilling, but the chances of you getting struck or stranded exist. So constantly keep in touch with your loved ones via your phone.

If the situation presents itself where you need help and can’t reach your phone, a helmet with Bluetooth (connected to your phone) allows you to contact for help hands-free using voice command (definitely a worthwhile investment).

While riding in the snow, avoid taking any routes you aren’t familiar with and try not to take any unnecessary risks.

Be sure to check the temperature before you leave for your ride and avoid riding during a storm or blizzard (as the chances of you getting stuck increase significantly).

How do you ride a dirt bike in the snow?

Riding a dirt bike in the snow can be a fun and challenging experience, but it requires some special precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some tips to help you ride your dirt bike in the snow:

  • Make sure you wear warm clothing that is water-resistant, including gloves, boots, and a helmet with goggles or a face shield to protect you from snow, wind, and debris.
  • Lowering the tire pressure can increase the contact area of the tire and provide better traction in the snow. But be careful not to lower it too much as it can cause the tire to slip or pinch flat.
  • Consider using specialized snow tires or tires with wider treads for better traction in the snow.
  • In the snow, sudden movements can cause you to lose control of the bike. Keep a steady throttle and use smooth, gradual movements when turning, accelerating, or braking.
  • Lower gears provide more control and traction, especially when climbing hills or descending steep slopes.
  • Before taking your dirt bike into deep snow, practice in a safe, open area with packed snow to get a feel for the bike’s handling.

Remember, riding a dirt bike in the snow can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be dangerous. Always exercise caution, wear appropriate gear, and be aware of your surroundings.

Final words

Winter should be no excuse to lock up your dirt bike. In fact, if you undertake the appropriate steps and winterize your bike and self, then riding dirt bikes in the snow is very fun and exciting because the crowds have thinned down (allowing you to practice new moves without the pressure of people watching) and you don’t have to worry about the harsh summer heat. However, you should make sure that your bike and you are immune to the harsh winter climate. If the proper precautions aren’t taken, then they can potentially inflict permanent damage to your bike and you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Are dirt bikes good for snow riding?

Riding a dirt bike on snow is possible, but it depends on your bike model and snow conditions. For instance, powerful dirt bikes with knobby tires are good for snow riding, but if you don’t have proper riding skills, you may skid or slide on the snow.

  • How cold is too cold for a dirt bike?

If the temperature is below 0 degrees centigrade (32 degrees Fahrenheit), you shouldn’t ride the dirt bike.

  • Should I start my dirt bike in the winter?

Generally, you can start the dirt bike in the winter, but if the temperature is below recommended riding temperature, it is advised to avoid riding.